Core Competencies
While some organizations value capital as a company's most important asset, at Steven Carr and Associates, LLC, ideas are the most critical. The VNC Connector & VNC Maestro are illustrations of the cutting-edge technology fostered by an environment of creativity at SCAA. Seeing what everyone has seen but thinking what no one has thought, SCAA never rests upon its laurels in the pursuit of the next technological advancement.
The professional staff at Steven Carr And Associates, LLC
has a broad range of expertise in a variety of fields.
We recognize that complicated problems often require
solutions uniting the strengths of many disciplines.
Our skill at integrating multiple subject areas into seamless
solutions for our clients, by utilizing the unique skill-sets of
our in-house personnel and strategic alliances with other small
businesses, allows us to offer you the state-of-the-art at the
best possible value.
Our Major areas of expertise include:
- Software Development
- System Design, Integration and Support
- Simulation
- Deployment
- Modeling Information Assurance